Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Basic Egg Noodles or how to stretch the pre-payday funds!

Although a plate of hot spaghetti is usually welcome, think how much a plate of your homemade egg noodles would be enjoyed by your family. This is one of those pre-payday creations that fills one up without depleting an already thin pocketbook. There is some muscle work required in rolling the noodles out, but I always find it a time to make some offerings to the Poor Souls and remember to do some promised prayers for my friends.

Basic Egg Noodles

4 cups all-purpose flour
4-5 eggs
3 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons olive oil

Place the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add the eggs, olive oil, and mix together. If the mixture is way too dry, add another egg. You should have a thick, workable dough. You don’t want it too stiff or the rolling out will take it’s toll on your arms and shoulders!

Knead a fistful of dough until smooth. Roll out as thinly as possible on a well-floured board. Cut into 1/2-inch wide strips and place on wax paper. A sharp pizza cutter does this job quickly and easily. Continue until your noodles are all ready.

To cook, gradually add the noodles to a pot of rapidly boiling water. A dash of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil will keep them from sticking. Cook until tender, approximately six minutes. Drain and use for your favorite noodle dish. Any cheese or tomato sauce goes well with them. A simple dousing with melted butter and pepper is good. Adding them to beef or chicken soup helps stretch out another meal. They are excellent in using up leftover turkey by making soup.

Remember, these are not your packaged noodles. They are thicker and more hearty.

Idea . . .
We have a family treat that involves this egg noodle dough. We prepare and slice up the dough into noodles, as indicated above, but deep fry them! Sometimes, we dust them with some spicy herbs/salt. Other times, they get treated to cinnamon and sugar. I like them plain, too.

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