Thursday, November 1, 2012

And the total is . . .

According to LifeSite News:

Since Barack Obama took office in January 2009, more than four million unborn human beings have been killed, violently, by abortionists.

With the annual number of abortions around 1.2 million per year, the four years of the Obama term will end with the loss of 4.8 million innocent unborn babies’ lives. Barack Obama could not have saved every one of those babies during his term. But he could have saved many of them.

The president's 'share' in these deaths are not entirely on his shoulders. He could not have been an instrument of these deaths without the help of the voters who elected him into office . . . and among them were over 50% of the Catholic vote.

Hope the last four years have changed a few minds. As a Pro-Life commercial said, abortion isn't safe but it is legal. Perhaps, with prayer and a change in administration, more of our future citizens might be allowed to become a part of our world and make a change for the good. Only the good Lord knows how many prospects for the future were destroyed in the present.

Where will the shepherd let his sheep wander . . . ?

How embarrassing but not unexpected . . .

On a conservative talk radio show, the host said that Catholics could expect to be hearing plenty from their bishops this Sunday regarding the election because so much is at stake here regarding life and our religious freedoms. Immediately, someone from a city in our diocese called in and voiced what I was thinking as this was said - how the bishop hasn't come out much on the subject and the few mentions have been very, very low-key and lukewarm.

I'm a little jealous that we don't seem to have the fervor on the change we need this upcoming election to bring about. Other people continue to call the radio station and they all seem to be getting hard truths about how one cannot be a true Catholic and vote for anyone who is so adamantly against everything our Faith stands for.

The results of this lack are felt. There are people in my local parish who have stopped talking to me because I didn't back the president's election in 2008 and surely will not do so next week. They seem to live in a bubble of their own making and our bishop hasn't said or done enough to burst that bubble for them.

You have to wonder about this lack of outward concern. Where is the outcry from our clergy about what this president has done to people of Faith? The emphasis seems to be immigration, an end to the death penalty, and how obamacare might be a step in the right direction. Social values seem to ace spiritual ones.

How can a leader expect us to follow him if he doesn't, well, go out on a limb and . . . lead? In this day and age, we don't need a shepherd that leans against the open gate and lets his sheep wander in and out on their own without guidance.

Saint Thomas More pray for November 6, 2012!

Happy All Saints' Day! St. Thomas More, patron of religious freedom, pray for us.
Happy All Saints' Day! St. Thomas More, patron of religious freedom, pray for us.Saint Thomas More gave his life for what many are taking for granted through their unresearched vote that puts a political party ahead of their Faith.

Fast Kitchen Creations - No-Bake Cookies

When the oven is occupied with dinner but you still want to provide a sweet treat to end a family dinner, this might do the trick. And, you can be creative because there is no law that say you have to use butterscotch chips. In fact, I'm currently leaning towards chocolate chips to get a peanut butter cup taste going with the extra crunch.

1 1/2 cup butterscotch pieces (our your choice!)
1/2 cup peanut butter
6 cups flake cereal or even crisped rice cereal

In a large pot, melt the butterscotch pieces and peanut butter together stirring constantly to prevent burning. Remove from the heat and stir in the flake cereal of your choice. Mix well. Drop by spoonfuls onto sheets of waxed paper and let set.

Just thought about trying this recipe with chocolate chips and a raisin bran cereal. Sounds like it would taste like a fruit-nut chocolate bar!

No man left behind . . . Something to ponder!

Liberal Media Are Accessories to Benghazi Cover-Up

"This scandal could and would derail the Obama re-election efforts. ABC, CBS, and NBC are so vested in the re-election of Barack Obama that they are deliberately spiking this huge story." -Brent Bozell

Liberal Media Are Accessories to Benghazi Cover-Up

"This scandal could and would derail the Obama re-election efforts. ABC, CBS, and NBC are so vested in the re-election of Barack Obama that they are deliberately spiking this huge story." -Brent Bozell 

'LIKE' and 'SHARE' if you agree with Bozell!

5 Reasons to NOT vote for the current administration . . .

Best five reasons to give the president a one-term stay in office. Don't forget to pray for God's Will in all that will be happening in this election!

All Saints Day!

A friend shared the following with me and I'm passing it on to you! My friend lives in Australia so is a day ahead of California time which was perfect as I received it in time to share.


St John Marie Vianney quotes…THE GIFT OF EVERY DAY

Follow me for a moment and you will know the way in which to make all your actions meritorious for eternal life without changing anything in your way of behaving. All you have to do is to have in view the object of pleasing God in everything you do, and I will add that instead of making your actions more difficult by doing them for God, you will make them, on the contrary, much more pleasant and less arduous. In the morning, when you awake, think at once of God and quickly make the Sign of the Cross, saying to Him: "My God, I give you my heart, and since You are so good as to give me another day, give me the grace that everything I do will be for Your honour and for the salvation of my soul."
The Saints,.. my dear brethren, all loved the Cross and found in it their strength and their consolation.
But, you will say to me, is it necessary, then, always to have something to suffer? .... Now sickness or poverty, or again scandal or calumny, or possibly loss of money or an infirmity?
Have you been calumniated, my friends? Have you been loaded with insults? Have you been wronged? So much the better! That is a good sign; do not worry; you are on the road that leads to Heaven. Do you know when you ought to be really upset? I do not know if you understand it, but it should be precisely for the opposite reason -- when you have nothing to endure, when everyone esteems and respects you. Then you should feel envious of those who have the happiness of passing their lives in suffering, or contempt, or poverty. Are you forgetting, then, that at your Baptism you accepted the Cross, which you must never abandon until death, and that it is the key that you will use to open the door of Heaven? Are you forgetting the words of our Saviour: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Not for a day, not for a week, not for a year, but all our lives. The saints had a great fear of passing any time without suffering, for they looked upon it as time lost. According to St. Teresa, man is only in this world to suffer, and when he ceases to suffer, he should cease to live. St. John of the Cross asks God, with tears, to give him the grace to suffer more as a reward for all his labours.
What should we conclude, my dear children, from all that?
Just this: Let us make a resolution to have a great respect for all the crosses, which are blessed, and which represent to us in a small way all that our God Suffered for us. Let us recall that from the Cross flow all the graces that are bestowed upon us and that as a consequence, a cross which is blessed is a source of blessings, that we should often make the Sign of the Cross on ourselves and always with great respect, and, finally, that our houses should never remain without this symbol of salvation.
Fill your children, my dear brethren, with the greatest respect for the Cross, and always have a blessed cross on yourselves; it will protect you against the Devil, from the vengeance of Heaven, and from all danger. This is what I desire for you. -St John Marie Vianney.

Reminder from Mother Angelica . . .

‎"Remember, vote for life. It may be your own."
--Mother Angelica
"Remember, vote for life. It may be your own."
                               --Mother Angelica