Thursday, March 15, 2012

Results of my afternoon . . .

 With the help of two of my children, housework got done early today so I had a couple of hours to sew. My project, today, is making Easter tote bags to sell on-line. I came up with this idea last year as an alternative to Easter baskets and all that plastic grass. The tote bag is roomy (12x13-inches) and is useful after the holiday, too. The picture shows the front and back of each one almost completed today. Almost because I still have to sew in the lining. I found it more productive to do all the creative work, first, and then do the linings on a sort of an assembly line process. I got the hard/fun part done today!
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Chick starts the shedding season . . .

 When we went looking for a dog, my husband chose Chick because she had a short fur coat and wouldn't shed too much. Wrong! As you can see from the inital combing, this morning, short-haired dogs hide a lot of fur under their short, shiny coats. I had to take the pictures through the slider door which accounts for the 'scratchy' pictures. Our dogs, over the years, have vented their anxieties by jumping on the slider and ingraving their doggy signature with their claws.
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Cook, Eat, and be Happy . . . Healthy, too!

A walk through any grocery store reveals that we are a fast-food people whether we drive through a hamburger establishment or shop for our family. Everything is prepackaged and all you need, at most, is a microwave and water.

When my husband and I decided to cut back on salt and unnecessary fats in our diet, I started reading labels on everything. I was shocked to see how little fiber is to be found in frozen meals and how much salt is included. The word 'fast' or 'quick' means they can't include a lot of anything good with fiber because that takes time to cook. There has to be salt in order entice our overdosed taste buds. For me, the jury is still out regarding soy products. Even if you think you are avoiding too much soy in your diet, start reading the labels.

One of my pasttimes, while waiting in the check out line, is to snoop in other people's grocery carts . . . and, often, shudder. Not only were many filling their families with preservatives, fat, and salt, they were spending too much money. Someone else's work always costs the buyer money.

Not only does our fast food race cost us money and health, it takes away from the glory of food preparation. Too many people face the task with dread and, eventually, even dislike food for anything except a necessity to become full. When you are shopping for a dress for a special occasion, you take all the time you need to find the perfect one. Why not approach mealtime in the same way?

Cookbooks and cooking magazines are not the enemy. Try reading them like a good book and let you senses start dreaming about how you can master a recipe, how it will taste, and the happiness of your family when they see it presented to them. You didn't learn to read all at once. No one can expect to dive into real cooking and be immediately successful. You have to sincerely want to make the change and then work your way through the baby steps.

My children grew up with more soda than they needed. They had their treats and meals out. When the reports started coming out about the eventual dire effects of soda, excess sugar, and processed food, I realized I was not taking proper care of the children God had blessed me with. We still have our treats. They get a soda when we splurge on a meal out. The main snacks in the house are fruit, pretzels, and tortilla chips - low-salt varieties, of course.

We spiritually charge our souls every day. Seems we should take care of the soul's housing, too!

Message to the United States President . . .

"Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born."
-- Ronald Reagan

Silly Stuff for Easter . . .

Q. Why did the Easter Bunny hide the egg?
A. Because it was a little chicken.

Q. What does the Easter Rabbit get for making a basket?
A. Two points just like everybody!

Q. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
A. Bugs Bunny

Okay, YOU might groan but I bet you know some five year old who has never heard these before! The older you get, the younger audience you need, someone who hasn't heard your jokes and stories . . . for the hundreths time!

I remember a fun craft from years gone by that is fun for little girls. All you need are paper plates, glue, scraps of ribbons, odd buttons, fake flowers, crepe paper, glitter, etc., whatever you have around the house.

You staple a length of ribbon on each side of the plate so it can be tied under the chin. Don't put it on YET! Now, lay out all the crafty finds, the big bottle of glue, and let your little females decorate an Easter bonnet. It is a fun deal for a party and can be done for a slow day around the house. Just make sure you emphasize to your fashion creators that these bonnets are for fun and not for Sunday Mass otherwise you might find yourself trying to get out of wearing one created just for you, MOM!

Doing vs. Trying . . .

I'm of  the opinion that if you want to accomplish something in life, it won't happen if you say, "I'm going to try to do that." When you say the word 'try', you leave yourself an out for it never being started. You justify yourself by saying you wanted to TRY but circumstances never worked out for it. However, if you say, "I'm going to DO that!", chances are you will make the leap into a new project or situation.

Trying and doing shows up in about six weeks. If you think about trying something, six weeks down the road you will look back and realize how much time you've lost and how far along you could be if you had just done it.

I figured this out a few Lents ago. Lent lasst six weeks and is an excellent time for making a change for the good in your life. It doesn't always have to be a 'give up' sacrifice. Sometimes, a personal change can be just as sacrificial and you will welcome Easter with a new attitude. This was when I realized the potential of six weeks! And, if you can make it through six weeks, your change of habit will probably continue on and you will know that doing is far superior to trying!