Saturday, June 27, 2009

Something in common . . .

It is interesting to note likenesses in people's personality, background, or . . . beliefs. I checked out our California governor, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Joe Biden, obama, Sotomayer . . .

Two of them (Boxer & Feinstein) are Jewish to some degree or the other.
Four of them (Schwarzenegger, Pelosi, Biden & Sotomayer) are Catholic.
One of them doesn't seem to have a definite stance (obama) but claims to be Christian.

The first common factor is that they all claim to believe in God. However, they have absolutely no fear of God. The idea of punishment in the after life is definitely not a factor in their decisions.

The second common thought is that all the women listed are adamant feminists who have no regard for their God-given gift of being a woman. Biden and obama probably superficially agree to the feminist mentality in order to stay firmly in the political arena. A REAL man would not want a woman to leave behind her fmininity in order to act like a man.

The third commonatlity is their ongoing battle to see that every child in the womb can tremble lest they face tha abortionist's knife. This stance goes against the feminist agenda as at least half of the unborn babies are female so where are they in the feminist agenda?

The fourth like attribute shared is their love of government intervention and power because how else can they keep all their idealogies alive and kicking.

Their fifth common trait is their insincere desire for tolerance because IF it was sincere, EVERYONE would have a say but they SINCERELY wish to keep quiet the voices of Godliness, Faith, Conservatism, Families, Motherhood, Morality, and Democracy as they pursue their personal, selfish, agendas.

I think the reason these people got into positions of power is because people today do not like discipline and prefer to pick and chose their ultimate stance on values. If they ignore certain morals or values in their personal life, they are apt to overlook them in a political candidate. The caferteria catholic crowd certainly prooved this in the last election as 49% of the Catholic vote went to enthrone our current administration. Another stupid quote for the history files came from a woman at the Notre Dame graduation when she said that she supported obama and she supported Pro-Life. That was enough for the reporter as he quickly cut away before this woman's warped thought could be analyzed for correctness.

We are now seeing a lot of legislation going through the House and Senate fast and furiously. I think the president wants to rush things before people start to wake up to the major problem brewing in the White House.

The more I listen and observe, the more I feel that no one in power actually cares about solving the unemployment problem or fixing the economy. They know they have the world exactly where they want it right now - under their control.

Judgement Day is going to be interesting - not only for the wayward politician but the voters who either thinkingly or unthinkingly put them in charge.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The worst quote in HISTORY!

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." -- Barack Hussein Obama

This quote saddens me because it doesn't make any sense yet so many people have taken it up as a battle cry. If we are the greatest nation in the world, aren't we on the right track? Why would we need to change? Unfortunately, the last few months have shown what unthought out change can do to a country. Makes me wonder what the future will hold and whether writing down my thoughts like this would eventually be a punishable crime.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am woman, hear me bore . . .

You have all probably heard about Senator Boxer's arrogant rebuke of the gentleman who dared to refer to her as "Mam' during some congressional hearing. I found her attitude offensive and sent an e-mail to her as follows:

I was shocked at your attitude towards the gentleman who gave you the respect of calling you Mam. He was acknowledging your status as a woman and of a person in a political capacity. When I vote, if there is a woman on the ballot, I look for one who represents women and I feel you failed in this situation. It was almost like you were ashamed of your femininity. If you can't accept your God-given status as a woman, how can you be believeable as someone who could represent that gender. You disappointed me greatly."

Senator Boxer's reply:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent Senate hearing with Brigadier General Michael Walsh. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter.

Shortly after the hearing, I called General Walsh, and we had a friendly and productive conversation. We expressed our respect for one another and our determination to work together to protect our nation and communities from natural disasters.

Thank you again for writing to me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about this or any other issue of concern to you.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

Sign . . . I notice she didn't make mention of making an apology to the Brigadier for her rude, uncalled for remarks!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Anyone remember who is having the birthday?

The Fourth of July is wending it's way into our present at a fast clip. Time flies. I dislike the concept that has evolved around this holiday. People seem to forget WHY there is a Fourth of July but judging from the 50% dropout rate in the Los Angeles Public Schools, that shouldn't be that much of a surprise. It still makes me sad.

I like reading stories about towns getting together to celebrate the day with patriotic music, speeches, barbecue, friendships renewed and friendships made. The main goal in our neighborhood is to see who can set off the most fireworks. Unfortunately, they don't stop with the 'sane and safe' stuff for sale by the roadsides the next two weeks. We have fireworks that can almost compete with Disneyland - illegal ones from across the border. We used to try and get into the spirit when our children were small and would walk around the neighborhood to see what everyone was doing with their fireworks. One year, the smoke was so thick and the fire crackers so carelessly tossed into the streets that we quickly retreated home . . . and thoroughly wet down our roof, yard, and fence. I don't imagine anyone in the midst of this popping conflagration could have told us the history behind this date.

Recent years have produced another custom. Instead of waiting until dusk to blast the skies and eardrums with fireworks, most people turn on their stereo systems in early afternoon to sort of fill in the sounds of silence until the fireworks can begin.

Perhaps, that is why our country seems to be in a downward spiral of late. We are forgetting why we have what we do and don't look past the food and fireworks of the day. If you don't hold onto history, you can lose everything.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Peace on earth . . .

Between local, state, national, and international events, I often go to bed at night and wonder and worry about what the next day will bring. Even though I know that living my best in the moment I currently have is the only way to go on, sad and apprehensive thoughts do push against possessing a total peace of heart right now.

We need good, strong leaders but, being in severe lack of that right now, we have to redouble our prayers. I can't imagine God looks down too favorably on our world at large. We live in a self-serving world.

Hindsight could be a great history lesson but we often just shake our heads at the stupidity of past actions and go out and do it all over and worse the next time! The last presidential election showed up in large numbers that people will buy promised feelings before they will believe hard, cold fact. It is sort of like a world wallowing in sinking sand while the politician throw us boulders to keep us afloat.

Meanwhile, we just have to go on like there will be a tomorrow. We have to pray that it will bring promise. We have to continue praying to God.

Kind of a depressing way to come upon a Monday but the last few months have been like an ongoing, badly written soap opera that we are all forced to participate in whether we like it or not!

I guess I will just keep on going, quilting, raising my children, praying . . . Praying very hard that the greed of the world doesn't overtake the world.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Quilting and beyond . . .

I've completed five quilts over the last few weeks. I have even gone off my usual path of scrap quilt patterns to make planned quilts with actual themes. Yes, it stretched my mind set a bit but I accomplished it! It is much more tempting to work on a quilt in cool weather. Nothing worse than having a lapful of quilt to sew on when the temperature IN the house is heading for 95 and I don't EVEN want to think about the outside degrees!

Cooler weather turned my thoughts to a favorite meal, too. Chicken pot pie! I don't make it as often as I would like to have it because the bottom crust is always an uncertain event. Most of the time, it cooks pretty evenly but I have had bouts with soggy or scorched. I've solved the problem to my family's satisfaction and the crust is ALWAYS crisp yet tender. I bake the crust separately! I prepare my usual chicken pot pie filling. Just before it is ready for the table, I prepare the dough for the crust BUT I roll it out evenly and bake it in the oven. I serve bowls of the hot chicken pot pie filling with a generous portion of the broken up crust. It maintains the pot pie taste, the crust is perfect, and the family enjoys being able to add a bit more to their meal.

I'm not gloomy . . .

They call it June Gloom but it isn't making me sad or unhappy! I remember my school days and the disappointment I felt when the first few weeks of summer vacation often suffered from overcast skies and even some sprinkles. These days, I welcome the extra respite from what I know the depth of the summer months will bring - Hot, hot, and more hot! Too bad we need the sunshine to make the crops grow because I would find it quite easy to fight my gloom with more June Gloom!

When California had some unseasonably hot weather earlier in the year, I figured it was time to resort to stove top, grill, and barbecue for the summer months. I'm enjoying being able to turn on the oven and bake or prepare a roast . . . and it's the middle of June! A friend at daily Mass and I have an ongoing competition about who is praying harder for THEIR favorite weather. Since it IS the middle of June, he just smiles and says, "I can wait for the summer heat. It's all stacked in my favor, you know!" Sigh . . . he is right but I'm enjoying the pleasure of crisp mornings, surprise drizzles, and cold nights for as long as it lasts!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cheer up quotes for the day . . .

Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else?"
-- James Thurber

"One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory."
-- Rita Mae Brown

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
-- W. C. Fields

"You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans."
-- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Something of interest . . .

Elizabeth Sanborn contacted me about an interesting format for Bible studies. I'll cut and paste her message so interested people can check it out.


I work for Logos Bible Software, and we’ve been working on digitizing scores of Catholic titles. I saw your blog listed in the Catholic Blog Directory and thought that you and your readers would be interested to know about our efforts.

A recent blog post, “Logos Bible Software for Catholics,” explains everything in detail, and you can see all of our Catholic offerings in our new Catholic Product Guide.

There’s even an opportunity to win a free copy of the Collegeville Catholic Reference Library, Version 2 just for helping us to spread the word. All of the details are in the blog post.

Thanks for your time!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Favorites on a Monday morning . . .

"The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect."
-- Esther Dyson

"A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold."
-- Ogden Nash

"The world is governed more by appearances than realities, so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it."
-- Daniel Webster

"The author of the Iliad is either Homer or, if not Homer, somebody else of the same name."
-- Aldous Huxley

Pay off for raising a kid right - words to warm a mother's heart . . .

I received a note from my college-aged daughter this morning regarding the recent shooting of an abortion doctor. It was great to see she has embraced real Christian values and understands what is right and wrong. It made my day!


Way to go, hidden assassin. Genius move, I'm sure that America will now appreciate our way of thinking. That guy could have had a chance to save his soul in the future. And now YOU have the sin of MURDER on your soul, and his LIFE has ended.

Seriously. This and all the guys at school laughing about beating up gay people. Jesus Christ never beat anyone up. Jesus Christ never killed anyone, not even murderers.

What is the world coming to when supporters of the pro-life movement break the law and end life?

Isn't it sad that the devil can pull tempation from the noblest of causes? That he can turn it all inside-out? Maybe the gunman thought he was doing a good thing, but he went against his own creed, probably, possibly, turning millions back to the pro-choice movement.

I can't get over it.

:( Please say a prayer for the souls of the aborted babies, but say a prayer for this abortionist's soul as well; he needs it. We should also pray for the gunman who killed him, because now his soul is in jeopardy.

Love you, Mom. Thanks for life.
