Monday, June 1, 2009

Pay off for raising a kid right - words to warm a mother's heart . . .

I received a note from my college-aged daughter this morning regarding the recent shooting of an abortion doctor. It was great to see she has embraced real Christian values and understands what is right and wrong. It made my day!


Way to go, hidden assassin. Genius move, I'm sure that America will now appreciate our way of thinking. That guy could have had a chance to save his soul in the future. And now YOU have the sin of MURDER on your soul, and his LIFE has ended.

Seriously. This and all the guys at school laughing about beating up gay people. Jesus Christ never beat anyone up. Jesus Christ never killed anyone, not even murderers.

What is the world coming to when supporters of the pro-life movement break the law and end life?

Isn't it sad that the devil can pull tempation from the noblest of causes? That he can turn it all inside-out? Maybe the gunman thought he was doing a good thing, but he went against his own creed, probably, possibly, turning millions back to the pro-choice movement.

I can't get over it.

:( Please say a prayer for the souls of the aborted babies, but say a prayer for this abortionist's soul as well; he needs it. We should also pray for the gunman who killed him, because now his soul is in jeopardy.

Love you, Mom. Thanks for life.


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