Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spring, Winter, Spring, Winter . . .

 The weather was still cool but really lovely since Sunday . . . until the rain came in last night. I caught some pictures of the sky just before it started clouding over, again. We were promised northerly wind that would cool things down appreciably . . . and the weatherman was right! Even now, the wind is cold. Just a race out for the mail brought winter very much back to mind.
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Thanksgiving in January?

 I had some ends of bread on hand with no takers. I decided to try it out as stuffing to see if gluten-free bread would work with our favorite recipe. As you can see, it plated up nicely and looked like the real deal.  Since the last picture shows a much-deleted serving dish, I'm calling the experiment a success. Since we were going with a Thanksgiving flavor (had to use chicken, however!), it wouldn't do to omit the cranberries. I still had some frozen ones so ground them up with a fresh orange (peel and all), cooked it, and thickened it with a bit of coconut flour. It was a fun way to start winding down to the weekend.
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