Monday, February 13, 2012

Never knew about this . . .

I never knew babies in danger of death could be baptized in utero! What a solace this could be to so many families. You learn something new about your Faith every day!

Early Valentine's Day Dinner . . .

Since my husband only had today off this week, I prepared a special dinner for him this evening in honor of the day. We are trying to 'live out of the cupboard' this month but I managed to find chicken in the freezer, potatoes (both sweet and regular) and asparagus was on sale at the grocery store.
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Early Valentine's Day at Our House . . .

Yesterday, we treated the two children currently residing in the house with their choice of a favorite chocolate. Today, I came home from taking my son to college and found a pound of my favorite candy on the table . . . all for me! It was especially thoughtful as my husband had to make a 20-minute drive to buy it and he is also sick with a bad cold, too.

Shouldn't let my husband out unattended as he returned from taking daughter number one to her college class, this afternoon, and came home with a dozen roses . . . all for me!

I didn't forget him as I got him a Mass card for Valentine's Day with a year's worth of Masses. Given the fact that he missed the Blessing of the Throats this year and has a cold, seems prayers would be even better than cold medication!
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Monday Musings . . .

"Man always gets less than he demands from life."
-- Jack London

"When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
-- Jonathan Swift

"We need a president who's fluent in at least one language."
-- Buck Henry

"I have often depended on the blindness of strangers."
-- Adrienne E. Gusoff

A return to morality starts with a NO from women!

Pope Paul VI had a rough time as Pope coping with the aftermath of Vatican II, the liberalism seeping into the Church,  etc. I would, however, give him extremely high marks for defending the unborn. No matter what history will say he did or didn't do, he was straightforward in his support for the right to life. I was just rereading a previous post about the secular press realizing that Catholic values make sense. A breath of fresh air when so many 'catholics' pick and chose what they will abide by these days. Whether certain polls are correct or not, many Catholics don't see a problem with using the birth control pill.

I'm not one to take medication of any sort - too many side effects. When I read the possible side effects of the pill, I was shocked that any woman would want to put that into her body. What is even more amazing is that these same women will be adamantly against abortion but 'religiously' take their birth control pill. The pill does not prevent pregnancy. A conception can take place but the pill makes the body inhospitable to the pregnancy and, basically, aborts it. Women on the pill could be aborting several babies a year. Should be an intersting surprise on one's individual judgement day to find out how many children God had sent them and how few they accepted for the sake of convenience.

Pope Paul VI's encyclical on this subject is long and detailed, as it should be, given he was making a statement on morality on behalf of the Church. You don't need to read it, just consider the four, main points and see if you can't find these results of destroying human life already in play in our society.

1.General lowering of moral standards
2.A rise in infidelity, and illegitimacy
3.The reduction of women to objects used to satisfy men.
4.Government interference in reproductive matters.

I was listening to one of those psychological radio talk shows, one day, and a woman called in with a complaint about her live-in boyfriend. She said that he wasn't honoring their 'committment' and what should she do. The psychologist told her that she had no claim on the young man. The woman sputtered and said, "But we are living together. We are a couple. He is cheating on me!" The talk show host said, "You have nothing legally binding. You are, to put it crudely, 'shacking up'. You are providing him with all the perks of marriage without the license. He is not cheating on you so much as enjoying the 'fruits' of the disrespect you show yourself."