Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More Christmas cookie recipes to explore . . .

The time is running out for making and sampling Christmas treats! We have to sneak the fun calories in before New Year's turns our minds to making resolutions about dieting and other 'fun' stuff!

Another good one . . .

Busy Afternoon and Hectic Evening ahead . . .

I was shocked to realize that Christmas is coming way too soon as in next week! How did that happen? In honor of this shocking information, I spent the afternoon wrapping Christmas gifts, putting together packages for the mail, and organizing my proposed cookie plates for passing out next week. I always have to laugh at myself. I look at the first, few packages I wrap and they are almost works of art. After an hour at it, however, I quickly go to wrap, tape, and slam on a bow.

One college daughter lands back in California this evening. I get to navigate the airport that confuses me in broad daylight under the cover of evening darkness! Naturally, I'm thrilled. I got totally turned around the last time and this was in the afternoon. The second time I had to exit to turn around and get in the right direction, the cashier just waved me through. I guess I'm getting famous. One time, I parked a good 15 minute walk away from the terminal my daughter was actually landing at that day. Her first word when we send her the flight information is 'who is picking me up' bracing herself for a nice wake up jog which seems appropriate after spending all that time just sitting on the plane! She begs to disagree!

She is coming home with her BA degree in hand as she is now, officially, a college graduate. My third college graduate in the family. My youngest son was happy to finally get ONE class at the community college so he is slowly on his way to eventually getting his diploma. Anymore state government cutbacks, however, it could take him years to just get his AA degree. Our governor announced today that he will have to make further cuts to the state and local colleges if everyone votes down yet another tax increase proposal. We  already have one of the highest sales' taxes in the country so why not up it a bit more? NOT!

Would you view it this way . . .?

So, you have two, seven-year old boys fighting on the school grounds and one kicks the other and gets him in a most uncomfortable place. As the teacher, wouldn't you drag the two culprits into the office, call their parents, get the two boys to explain themselves, apologize, propose some punishment . . . and that would be that? Seems the logical way to go. Boys will fight and, sometimes, the kicks and blows might get out of hand.

Well, this event happened and was related on a news report my husband read. The teacher, instead of calling the parents, called the police who arrested the one boy and filed charges of sexual assault which, if the charges hold, will label this little boy as a sex offender the rest of his life. Something is very wrong here. You have to wonder about a teacher who would read this into a playground fight. Yes, the kick shouldn't have happened but how can the teacher decide the child was sexually attacking the other boy? It was a misplaced kick in the heat of the argument.

It is a sad world that would call the police, first, on a childish fight and leave the parents to get the call from the police department that their seven year old is being held on such charges. If anyone in this situation has 'issues', I'd put my money on someone else. We certainly live in a world that likes to sexualize everything.

I'm glad I was able to homeschool my children and hope future parents and children will enjoy the same opportunities. The world, however, sees stay-at-home mothers as 'different' and if they stay home and teach their childre, they are just, plain weird and need some government help . . . Which I'm sure is going to come down on us one of these days.

Are YOU dressed for success?

“Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.” - Author Unknown