Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day!

I hope that everyone reading this post did their patriotic duty and voted today. EACH vote does count! California has a lot riding on the various propositions. Some of these, if they win, will cause a lot of future problems for the State. Don't know who will win the governor's race but it is a lose/lose for the State either way but possibly more so with Jerry Brown. His past record as governor was nothing to brag about and I'm afraid his current, leftist ideas will make things even worse.

Meanwhile, the news tells us that obama is taking 3,000 people to India with his family for ten days at a cost of over two million dollars a day. They are using 40 aircraft including both Air Force One planes. I guess a sense of entitlement doesn't invade just the welfare class! I hope the next time this president tells us to tighten our belts, he chokes on his words! I can't see that he has kept a single campaign promise or improved the American life one, tiny bit. Always interesting, however, at how many people admiring and defending him.

Anyway, I voted and was happy to see that people had to wait in line to get a voting booth. Haven't seen that for awhile. I hope these were all voters who researched the issues before voting for the issues. Time will tell. In the meantime, we have what obama doesn't seem to take into consideration . . . prayer!