Friday, April 20, 2012

No One Will See Me Here!

 This ancient, orange tomcat has decided that he lives with us and takes advantage of every chance to get into the house. His favorite hiding place is under this chair where he seems to think we cannot see him. In this picture, he is keeping an eye on my husband in the kitchen while my daughter and I sneak up on him to get a picture and remove him from the house . . . again!
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The Next Best Thing to being in the House . . .

 My husband is working on his garden for the summer months. He has piled up several heaps of dirt which Chick uses to lounge upon while she enjoys the sunshine. She is my husband's favorite dog (we only have one dog!) right now because she caught one of the pesky gophers destroying new plants. She appreciated the bone she got for a thank you treat but would have preferred keeping the gopher.
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Recovering Cat . . .

 Our front-porch friend, Howl, disappeared for a few days and came back limping and not his old self. We are still trying to befriend him for purposes of adoption but he remains standoffish. I guess the fact that he limped back here says something about his attitude.  He took a nap on our front step and didn't bother to jump away when I showed up for the camera. Right now, he is lingering under a bush in the front yard enjoying the shade.
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Added to my list of favorites . . .

"An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support." -- John Buchan