Saturday, May 5, 2012

From Fabric to Quilt . . .

I found some great fabric at the discount warehouse last visit there. I decided to take all the colors and incorporate them into a basic quilt using bars and squares of the fabric. I laid out the pieces, today, to see how it was coming along. I was happy to discover I had only five more to piece together today. Next time I get to sew, it is time to prepare the batting and backing for the quilt and then start the quilting process. That always takes the longest.
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Reasonable assumptions . . .

"In modern America, anyone who attempts to write satirically about the events of the day finds it difficult to concoct a situation so bizarre that it may not actually come to pass while the article is still on the presses."
-- Calvin Trillin

"Bureaucrats write memoranda both because they appear to be busy when they are writing and because the memos, once written, immediately become proof that they were busy."
-- Charles Peters