Monday, February 13, 2012

Early Valentine's Day at Our House . . .

Yesterday, we treated the two children currently residing in the house with their choice of a favorite chocolate. Today, I came home from taking my son to college and found a pound of my favorite candy on the table . . . all for me! It was especially thoughtful as my husband had to make a 20-minute drive to buy it and he is also sick with a bad cold, too.

Shouldn't let my husband out unattended as he returned from taking daughter number one to her college class, this afternoon, and came home with a dozen roses . . . all for me!

I didn't forget him as I got him a Mass card for Valentine's Day with a year's worth of Masses. Given the fact that he missed the Blessing of the Throats this year and has a cold, seems prayers would be even better than cold medication!
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