Saturday, June 27, 2009

Something in common . . .

It is interesting to note likenesses in people's personality, background, or . . . beliefs. I checked out our California governor, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Joe Biden, obama, Sotomayer . . .

Two of them (Boxer & Feinstein) are Jewish to some degree or the other.
Four of them (Schwarzenegger, Pelosi, Biden & Sotomayer) are Catholic.
One of them doesn't seem to have a definite stance (obama) but claims to be Christian.

The first common factor is that they all claim to believe in God. However, they have absolutely no fear of God. The idea of punishment in the after life is definitely not a factor in their decisions.

The second common thought is that all the women listed are adamant feminists who have no regard for their God-given gift of being a woman. Biden and obama probably superficially agree to the feminist mentality in order to stay firmly in the political arena. A REAL man would not want a woman to leave behind her fmininity in order to act like a man.

The third commonatlity is their ongoing battle to see that every child in the womb can tremble lest they face tha abortionist's knife. This stance goes against the feminist agenda as at least half of the unborn babies are female so where are they in the feminist agenda?

The fourth like attribute shared is their love of government intervention and power because how else can they keep all their idealogies alive and kicking.

Their fifth common trait is their insincere desire for tolerance because IF it was sincere, EVERYONE would have a say but they SINCERELY wish to keep quiet the voices of Godliness, Faith, Conservatism, Families, Motherhood, Morality, and Democracy as they pursue their personal, selfish, agendas.

I think the reason these people got into positions of power is because people today do not like discipline and prefer to pick and chose their ultimate stance on values. If they ignore certain morals or values in their personal life, they are apt to overlook them in a political candidate. The caferteria catholic crowd certainly prooved this in the last election as 49% of the Catholic vote went to enthrone our current administration. Another stupid quote for the history files came from a woman at the Notre Dame graduation when she said that she supported obama and she supported Pro-Life. That was enough for the reporter as he quickly cut away before this woman's warped thought could be analyzed for correctness.

We are now seeing a lot of legislation going through the House and Senate fast and furiously. I think the president wants to rush things before people start to wake up to the major problem brewing in the White House.

The more I listen and observe, the more I feel that no one in power actually cares about solving the unemployment problem or fixing the economy. They know they have the world exactly where they want it right now - under their control.

Judgement Day is going to be interesting - not only for the wayward politician but the voters who either thinkingly or unthinkingly put them in charge.

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