Monday, June 15, 2009

Quilting and beyond . . .

I've completed five quilts over the last few weeks. I have even gone off my usual path of scrap quilt patterns to make planned quilts with actual themes. Yes, it stretched my mind set a bit but I accomplished it! It is much more tempting to work on a quilt in cool weather. Nothing worse than having a lapful of quilt to sew on when the temperature IN the house is heading for 95 and I don't EVEN want to think about the outside degrees!

Cooler weather turned my thoughts to a favorite meal, too. Chicken pot pie! I don't make it as often as I would like to have it because the bottom crust is always an uncertain event. Most of the time, it cooks pretty evenly but I have had bouts with soggy or scorched. I've solved the problem to my family's satisfaction and the crust is ALWAYS crisp yet tender. I bake the crust separately! I prepare my usual chicken pot pie filling. Just before it is ready for the table, I prepare the dough for the crust BUT I roll it out evenly and bake it in the oven. I serve bowls of the hot chicken pot pie filling with a generous portion of the broken up crust. It maintains the pot pie taste, the crust is perfect, and the family enjoys being able to add a bit more to their meal.

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