Thursday, March 15, 2012

Silly Stuff for Easter . . .

Q. Why did the Easter Bunny hide the egg?
A. Because it was a little chicken.

Q. What does the Easter Rabbit get for making a basket?
A. Two points just like everybody!

Q. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
A. Bugs Bunny

Okay, YOU might groan but I bet you know some five year old who has never heard these before! The older you get, the younger audience you need, someone who hasn't heard your jokes and stories . . . for the hundreths time!

I remember a fun craft from years gone by that is fun for little girls. All you need are paper plates, glue, scraps of ribbons, odd buttons, fake flowers, crepe paper, glitter, etc., whatever you have around the house.

You staple a length of ribbon on each side of the plate so it can be tied under the chin. Don't put it on YET! Now, lay out all the crafty finds, the big bottle of glue, and let your little females decorate an Easter bonnet. It is a fun deal for a party and can be done for a slow day around the house. Just make sure you emphasize to your fashion creators that these bonnets are for fun and not for Sunday Mass otherwise you might find yourself trying to get out of wearing one created just for you, MOM!

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