Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chick starts the shedding season . . .

 When we went looking for a dog, my husband chose Chick because she had a short fur coat and wouldn't shed too much. Wrong! As you can see from the inital combing, this morning, short-haired dogs hide a lot of fur under their short, shiny coats. I had to take the pictures through the slider door which accounts for the 'scratchy' pictures. Our dogs, over the years, have vented their anxieties by jumping on the slider and ingraving their doggy signature with their claws.
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Lesley said...

love your dogs, as long as you brush them every day I'm sure the hair shedding will be minimal. I hope your hubby won't hold it against the poor creatures, they look like great characters.

Barbara Maria said...

My husband is more bark than bite, himself! The creature family is quite safe as long as they can take verbal criticism! :-) The dog's fur is amazing as she looks quite short-haired and slick yet has all this fluff spiking out of her fur. Brushing Chick, everyday, sounds like a great chore for one of my children!