Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Didn't think of that . . .

Someone on the radio made an interesting observation about the 'occupy' groups. It seems that so many city governments are bending over backwards to make compromises with them, etc. The person on the radio said it would be interesting to see what would happen if groups of Pro-Life advocates decides to 'occupy' to end abortion. What if gang bangers 'occupy' to have a voice in government. What if communist or neonazi groups decided to 'occupy' for their causes. Face it (not that I'm in favor the the second two!), the police would show up, ask them to move, and then take actions to remove them. There would be no discussion, no compromise, and they sure wouldn't be allowed to camp out on public property for over a month anywhere.

I just heard rumors that the Mayor of Los Angeles is discussing giving the occupiers farmlands or even an empty building. Although he sort of weasels out of making a direct statement on this, you have to wonder that such a move would even be considered enough to leak out to the public.

The occupiers keep talking about their First Amendment rights as they say they are representing the 99%. I don't think they are representing me or my family. I don't even know anyone who feels represented by them. I just know that a lot of people/businesses are being inconvenienced by these groups which seems to diminish a great many people's rights.

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