Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Husbands in a wife's 'workplace'!

My husband treated me to a trip to the fabric store a few weeks ago. As usual, there was a long line at the cutting table so my husband said he'd wait in line and sent me off to get the crochet hook I needed for a project. I can back and there is my husband in line with all these females but he is happily surfing the net on his I[Pod Touch. I come up and he looked at me and asked, "Did you find the crochet hook thingy?" I held it up. He said, obviously wanting to get back to the Internet, "Why don't you go back and get some of that stuff that makes the crochet hook work?" There were a lot of smile and giggles from the waiting women in line at his description of yarn!

Another time, we were shopping for fabric at a warehouse outlet store. A friend had asked me to bring her back six different fabrics, two yards of each. In order to keep the receipts separate, my husband said he'd go ahead and take care of that so I could continue shopping for my own fabric. When he finished and came back, he said it was obviously a woman's store. When he got up to the cutting counter and asked for two yards of each fabric, the clerk looked around for his wife and then inquired, "Are you SURE that is what you need?"

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