Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teachers do not have it easy . . . Real answers from history tests!

Possession by spirits means feeling like the devil.

A seminary is a place where they bury the dead.

Yom Kippur was a general in the Japanese Army.

The result of the Reformation was that people could choose to be either Catholics or Pugilists

The less said about Nero, the better.

Before a man could become a monk, he had to have his tonsils cut.

Buddha is worshiped chiefly in Buddha Pest.

The names of the three wise men are Winken, Blinken and Nod.

False doctrine means giving poeple the wrong medicine.

The Crusades was a movement to drive the turkeys out of Europe.

A martyr is something like a bachelor.

A millennium is like a centennial, only it has more legs.

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