Monday, April 4, 2011

Machines . . . interesting inventions . . .

For once, we did it correctly and looked up the belt we needed to repair our vacuum cleaner. We looked up the model and purchased a belt for that particular model. Well, you can buy a vacuum for this model in either self-propelled or not. Ours is not the high-end model so we went for the belt for the low-end type. Seems, our low-end model takes the high-end model belt . . . which my husband discovered about taking apart the vacuum, getting lots of vacuum dust all over the carpet and finding it out that it doesn't work. He is off to return the first belt and go with the belt that really, really works in our vacuum cleaner . . . I hope. Meanwhile, I will avoid looking at the mess in the middle of the living room and concentrate on dinner preparations. Less chance of me getting irritated! Hate getting irritated when there is absolutely no immediate solution. Clearly sainthood material!

The summer temperatures are creeping back in but we are promised rain by the end of the week. Uh, hope it is wetter rain than the storm that did not happen this weekend.

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