Monday, April 4, 2011

It's an interesting world . . .

There is a woman in our parish who doesn't use the sense God gave her when it comes to finances. Her house has been in foreclosure due to her own fault and when she 'borrows' gas money, she ends up using it for her dog's weekly styling or her own haircut . . . and still can't get around because she used the 'borrowed' money for everything except filling up her tank.

It came to my attention, several years ago, that a generous parishioner has had extra cash given her through a charitable organization. He asked to remain unknown because that is what real generousity is all about - not flaunting his kindness. The woman continues with her ways and she is not all that is kind to her secret beneficiary, at times. He eventually ran out of extra cash and patience so the woman is on her own resources, again. I can't help but ponder over how many people God sends into our lives to help us and how we could be unkind to the very person that gave us a boost up when we needed it most. You never know who is praying for you in the pews!

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