Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stretching the Budget . . .

I was happy to discover a sale on ground beef during my weekly shopping trip. We haven't been buying it much as the stores have taken to including ground meat for any or all of three to four countries. I have a preference in knowing more precisely where my beef originates. Anyway, there was ground Angus beef on sale and it was a US product so I got a couple packages. We had my children's favorite onion/bacon/Feta cheese meatloaf for dinner. In other to stretch it a bit more, I included some ground pork as it adds taste and moisture to the final result.

This is where I like meatloaf the best . . . I sliced up the leftovers, dipped each slice in seasoned flour, and browned the slices on each side and served it with rice and gravy a couple of days later. Two meals from one meat purchase.

It gets better! I had a few slices of the meatloaf leftover from the second meal as well as half a cup of gravy. I broke up the meatloaf and added it along with two cans of chicken broth, the leftover gravy, and mixed vegetables to the pot. I also had three small potatoes, half a package of pasta, and barley in the cupboard. They were introduced to the simmering soup. After some seasonings to taste, salt, and pepper, I had a hearty meal to serve once the potatoes and barley were tender.

The very, best best part? Since the soup was low in fat, I got to indulge in a few Christmas cookies and a cup of hot tea for dessert!

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