Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting back to a regular schedule . . .

I was hoping the end of the holidays would find me back on schedule and  they have . . . somewhat! Families often take on lives of their own but need Mom to be there to be a part of whatever is going on. Since yesterday, my two older college children suddenly required help with various aspects of their advancing education. My older son announced that his Master's Thesis is now in the hands of his professor so that means, if all goes well, he will have his degree this year.  However, as he continues to apply for a college for his Phd, he needs transcripts which we are busy trying to obtain for him.

Meanwhile, my daughter tried to do something as simple as enroll in a class at the community college and they have it in their heads that she is an out of state student so we spent the day providing information to the contrary.

By the afternoon, I had a couple of hours to work on some sewing for my second daughter who asked me to make four tote bags for her roommates. I completed them in time to fix dinner.

My younger son? He kindly kept to his room, worked on his computer, read books, and washed the dinner dishes for me!

My evening is my own until it is time to go to bed and then I had better fold the laundry so I can actually get into said bed. I'm off to warm up my crochet hook with some work on my granny afghan.

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