Saturday, January 7, 2012

So . . . Then there were four . . .

Our most frequent cat visitor is the little Siamese mix that seems to need a home. Other cats stop by to check out the situation but this little cat has got us on a schedule to put food out for her. Last night, I had some leftover scrambled eggs so I mixed a bit of them into the dry food and put it out for the cat. My daughter peeks out to see how the eggs are accepted. Suddenly, she calls out to me, "Mom! I think you had better come look." Thinking the kitten is acting cute or something, I head over to our window to the world of cats . . . and discover there are now four cats taking advantage of our hospitality! Besides the Siamese mix, which my daughter named Howl Jenkins, there are two, big, shiny black cats and a tiny fluffy cat with brown fur and short legs. All I can think is that word quickly got around that I make fantastic scrambled eggs!

My husband said that we were to bring in the bowls of food when we went to bed and could only put it out once a day. Just before we turned in for the night, my husband glanced out and there was the tiny brown cat staring up to the window. The cat looked at us intently then pointed looked over at the empty food dish . . . several times. My husband put the food back out!

Only Howl Jenkins looks in need of a home. The black cats are way too fat and shiny to be homeless. The brown kitten is still an unknown. I like cats but you almost have to have an indoor cat these days and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. No matter how much one's child promises that they will take care of everything, you have a history of fulfilled doubts about that.

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