Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Crocheting help and easy patterns . . .

Even though I've been crocheting since I was a child, it is not my first craft of choice. Lately, however, I've been making shawls and scarves so have been browsing around for patterns that are nice but easy enough for a rusty 'crafts person'. This site seems pretty comprehensive and I found a lot of ideas in addition to the particular patterns I was looking for.


I don't know where my sudden inclination to crochet has come from lately. Perhaps, it is the long car trip taking one of my children back and forth to school. Don't worry! My husband drives. It's not me trying to multi-task on the freeway!

I'm thinking the cold weather has warmed me to the task of fussing with crochet hook and yarn. In the summer, one doesn't want a lap full of crocheting to add to the high temperature whereas I'm not adverse to anything that keeps me warm lately!

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