Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Blessing of Life . . .

It is very disheartening how the world treats the unborn in our civilized society. It is also sad that so many people aren't even aware of the magnitude of offenses against our tiniest citizens. I remember talking to someone in the extended family and they weren't aware that abortion is legal. Just yesterday, I was chatting about babies and recalling delivery 'memories' of our respective children with a friend. Both of us had doctors who would have rather left our babies for dead than try to save them. I mentioned partial birth abortion and the friend looked perplexed and asked, "What is that?" I was stunned but explained and she was shocked as well she should be. Then she said, "It's not legal, right?" It sure explains how some of our anti-life politicians get into office.

I really got slammed by people for my vote in the last national election. I said I would not vote for a candidate who was adamantly in favor of abortion and who would see nothing wrong with using our tax dollars to fund such a cause. They came back with either "I don't believe he is for abortion!" or "You have to look at all his policies and not dwell on just one, small part."

I have to wonder about these people who attend daily Mass, receive the Sacraments, and then support someone who is bound and determined to extend abortion rights. If these same people were informed that a mutual friend has one problem - if he is handed a gun, he will shoot people until it is taken away from him - would they hand him the gun to see if this is true? Seemed to work in our last election. The record showed an anti-life voting record yet so many Catholics voted in to see how it would go. The week the elected candidate took office, he rescinded all the abortion restrictions set in place by the retiring president. The truth was out there during the election so claiming invincible ignorance wouldn't be valid if one voted responsibly.

If the anti-life group is going to follow through entirely on this, shouldn't we all call the growing child in the womb a fetus until he sees the light of day and is accepted as being a baby?  Fetus showers? Asking a pregnant woman 'when is your fetus due'? And should we use the term 'pregnancy' since that seems to denote 'having a baby' and if the anti-life group could totally have it's way, it isn't a baby until we say it is a baby! I'm being a little sarcastic here but with the disrespect for life these days, can this sort of attitude be long in coming.

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