Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tanks for the Memories . . .!


On our recent trip to the World War II sights, my favorite memories dealt with the scenary, the places where things of history actually happened, etc. One guess what stands out in my son's memory? I know, what teen wouldn't thrill at the thought of not only seeing tanks and weapons from World War II but actually being able to climb on them? Yes, he is quite conversant in matters of history but to be so close to items that saw the action of history was quite fascinating to him. Here are just a few of the tanks and weapons my son got to meet 'in person'.

Personally, I liked seeing all these sights but, as a mother, I was so thankful my son was just looking at this stuff and not a part of any war effort right now. We live in a scary world and the older our children get, the more mothers tend to worry about their future.
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