Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Acne wars and a product that worked for us . . .

Having four teens to young adults, we have had our share of acne breakouts. When my older son first started, his went crazy and within weeks of the onset, his complexion was in bad shape. Being the brain that he is, he started doing research on the Internet and found this site which gave him amazing results within a week. I got the full impact as he was attending a boarding school, at the time. I dropped off a teen with bad acne on a Sunday evening and was amazed at the improvement when he came home the following Friday. It's not a miracle cure and it takes dedication and following directions but it works. The owner of the site/treatment says you can probably put together products from the store that are like what he has developed and sells but the combination he has come up with really works more productively.

Just thought I'd share. I thought of it today as my younger son has been fighting the same teen plague and my older son reminded me about the product. You can check it out at https://www.danielkern.com/.

Not selling or getting a commission on this acne medication. Just sharing what we found to work for a tough case of it. I just put in an order for my younger son and he seemed happy to be getting a prepared routine for his battle with the acne.

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