Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm baking before the government decides to take away my sugar!

Interesting topic on the raido today. It seems that there are proponants of placing the blame not on overweight people but on the government for not taking care of the problem. When you leave the political door open through uneducated voting, you are sure to find a government official trashing your choices of food. In view of this, I heard that bake sales are banned in Massachusetts! Yes, the government agrees that bake sales have always been great ways to make money for various organizations but we now have to find another avenue. Carrot sticks? I'm wondering how they will handle the Girl Scout Cookie sales every year? Will they be exempt from dietary legislation?

One person called into Rush Limbaugh's radio show and said that he has gone from over 300 pounds to the correct weight for his height and build. He exercises regularly, eats correctly, and takes a variety of supplements and vitamins. He said he does this because he wants to do this for all the right reasons. He said it was a choice he educated himself to make. He didn't need the government to bring in the experts and oversee his life choices. In fact, the caller said that a very liberal friend of his didn't approve of his efforts . . . probably because he was making the choices without benefit of government approval?

I can see education in the schools about nutrition but not policing of the the lunchboxes from home. I can support information being offered to expectant mothers and parents of toddlers. I do not think government has the right to have social services or some agency coming into anyone's home to judge.

We do have problems with matters of nutrition. I've seen what families with food stamps purchase and it isn't in line with healthy eating. Perhaps, since the president is pushing food stamps, the nutrition mandates should start with the people being given free food through our taxpayer dollars. Better control on the welfare spending and food stamps would strongly encourage people to make better choices. And, if they get tired of the government telling them what to do, it might push them to getting out of the system.

Meanwhile, as I listen to all this stuff on the radio about wanting to mandate my food intake, I'm busy baking cookies! Yes, my children enjoy cookies. No, they are not overweight. They know the difference between an apple and a treat. I taught them about healthy eating not the government.

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