Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Soylent Green, anyone?

What a downward spiral the world seems to be taking these days. First, we read that there is a company that uses aborted fetal cells in the testing of flavors for food. A look at the list was shocking as they were popular brands that each and every one of us have purchased at one time or another.


The next shock was the used of aborted baby collagen in facial creams and youth-promoting skin products. Just the thought of using a lotion that contained anything from dead babies was sickening but, the products do sell. Amazing that the vain put their earthly ‘beauty’ ahead of their spiritual salvation.

Then, yesterday, I read on two different reports that there are "aphrodisiac" pills that contain over 98% dehydrated aborted babies. A huge haul of them was confiscated in South Korea but who knows how much further they have gone and under what deceptive names.

Back in my early twenties, I saw a really awful science fiction-type movie called Soylent Green. It was dark, depressing, and had a shocking ending. Basically, society had gotten to the point where the major part of the population was out of work and relied on government food handouts. A major industry was euthanasia for the downtrodden, sick, and people tired of the world. To make a long story, short, the final line of the movie was the surviving character screaming to the masses, "Soylent Green is made of people!" From what I can remember, no one seemed to care.

Each day we hear something new and horrifying that tries to numb our consciences to the reality of what is happening. A perfect world doesn’t come from recycling unborn babies or hurrying up the end of life for someone. God has a time and purpose for each one of us and I imagine that even as earthly forces are gearing up to destroy each other, God is tiring of our disrespect for Him and His Creation and probably had plans of His own.

When you replace prayer with power and entitlement, you shorten the life of the world as we knew it growing up. What are we leaving for our children and their children?

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