Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to cope with a lot of ground beef on sale . . .

Ground beef is not my favorite type of protein but I have to admit that it can be used in a lot of ways and stretched to save the budget. We ran across a sale over the weekend and my morning was spent 'breaking' down the meat into three meals: a meatloaf, large meat balls for a pasta dish, and small ones for soup. As you can see, I froze the various meat balls on a parchment-lined baking pan and will freeze and them bag them. The meat loaf was made directly into a oven-proof baking pan and was also securely wrapped and put in the freezer. It gives me a sense of peace and, at times, a bit of relief to know that I have the major ingredient already prepared for three different meals at the ready.

I freeze the meat balls before bagging them so they won't stick together when they are stored in the freezer. 
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