Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The presidential campaigns . . .

The presidential campaigns are heating up although our current president never quite got off the election train even after he became president. I expected the usual back and forth between the two candidates but I really dislike the slams that have no basis or reasoning. There is currently a television ad claiming that if Romney had been president, Bin Laden would never have been found and killed. I think that is a rather immature way to make yourself more appealing to the voter. No one knows how a person will deal with a situation, this particular situation will not be repeated, and, besides, what has it to do with the real problems facing our country and the next president?

I remember that as a child when I would have an 'if only' moment, I would be asked, "Well, it didn't happen. There was no 'if only' and how do you know it would turn out the way you are wishing it had?" You can't base your future or make a reliable argument for an event that won't and can't take place now. Romney wasn't president the day Bin laden was killed. Having other grown men making allegations that if Romny had been president, he would or would not have done such and such . . .    Seems to me that some of our candidates need to grow up a bit more before they try and tackle the real world.

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