Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Historical Knowledge Prevents Future Errors . . .

My children often wondered why I felt history was important. If you don't study the hisotry of the past, your future history will not show improvement. Failure to understand breeds mistakes. Failure to study and remember past mistakes provides a shaky past on which to build the future. Knowledge is power and too many people don't want to accept it's gift. It's a lack of intellectual curiousity that is bringing down the United States while the crafty, immoral politicians take advantage of it. It would sure be easier to correct a present error than to go back and try to fix the results of the error somewhere down the road.

A friend and I got a firsthand glimpse into the mindless mind set of voters during the last presidential election. We were attending a Rosary making event at a Catholic church with Catholic people yet they gave the definite impression they were voting for the abortion candidate. My friend and I looked at each other in shock and then proceeded to bring up some proven points about the abortion candidate who wanted to run our country and kill our future citizens in the womb. The interest was minimal and the most reaction was a few muttering that they might go home and do some checking. I'm willing to bet they didn't bother and the Catholic vote shows they weren't the only ones.

To me, this was sad. It used to be that you could talk freely about a problem politician or candidate on your parish grounds and be confident that you would meet up with like-minded people. Not these days! If I hear one more Catholic (even some priests included!) say that we have to respect an abortion president, I may be even more irate than I am right now. Yes, I respect everyone's personhood but I cannot respect the aims of a president who is out to destroy the personhood of the tiny, unborn persons of the world. History comes into play here as who knows what part these slaughtered children would have played to the betterment of our country . . . if they had been allowed their constitutional rights?

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