Saturday, February 11, 2012

Where is OUR choice?

The battle wages on with the Catholics/Christians vs. obama's mandate on contraception. You have to wonder about it even being a issue that they have to force their agenda on everyone regardless of belief or faith? It goes against all that makes American great.

Although, it clearly goes against our amendment rights to force everyone to pay for contraception, it most certainly crosses the separation of Church and State line that is supposed to protect us.

Whether you have a child or not is the individual choice. Whether you use birth control or not is the individual choice. Whether you want to spend the money on birth control is an individual choice. The president, however, wants to take over that choice and make it the government's choice and use everyone's money to pay for it.

The money issue is actually the least of the problem. It is the fact that it opens a door to more and more invasion into our homes and lives. It is another step towards managing our households according the a liberal standpoint. What next? Perhaps, they would also like to put us on the Chinese population plan and limit us to two or less children?

What the political liberal doesn't understand is morality and values. They can't seem to understand that we revere our Faith and wish to abide by the tenents of said religion. They can't perceive of anyone not wanting to take the easy way out in life. They want to control us down to how we are allowed to worship. They don't understand the value of a conscience and just want to dampen that problem area down.

Many bishops have been outspoken on the matter. The Conference of American Bishops have come out against it. A lot of dioceses asked that a strongly-worded letter from their respective bishops be read following the announcement of the mandate. The president is trying to back off and still save face but, so far, only makes things worse.

It is a time for all bishops to come forth strongly. As many dioceses have spoken out, many have not. I was saddened when no letter from our bishop was forthcoming immediately regarding the mandate.

Someone told me once that the Church would have to turn around based on the actions of the people not the clergy. It is certainly a time to pray for the preservation of our constitutional rights and the strength of our bishops. You will never gain the status of white or red martyr based on lukewarm, liberal values.

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