Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's raining . . . sort of . . .

It's cold and raining . . . sort of but in sunny California, we will take what God sends us in moisture and be glad. It is definitely cold enough to merit some heat in the house. I plan, however, to use the oven for warmth and if the oven is on, shouldn't there be some cakes and cookies in play, too?

If my plans go as hoped, I should soon have some loaves of cranberry bread baking away following by some Valentine cupcakes and/or cookies. I have baking items left from Christmas time and need to use them up before Lent comes upon us and the calendar says that is soon!

Cranberry bread is a favorite. I like the contrast of the sweet bread with the pockets of tangy cranberries. I purchased a few bags ahead during the Fall holidays and froze them for just such and occasion. I have also found that any strawberry dessert goes up a notch in flavor if you can incorporate a few cranberries, too.

The only blot on the weekend is finishing the taxes. Fortunately, all the necessary paperwork arrived on time so we just have to 'fill in the blanks' and e-mail it into the State and Feds. Since we are getting a refund, should we include a thank you note for them returning the money they have been using all year?

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