Thursday, December 22, 2011

Final Countdown to Christmas . . .

Yes, Christmas is going to happen this Sunday and there isn't much anyone can do at this point in time to slow down the daily progress towards that conclusion. I've ventured out a few times for normal shopping needs and the last-minute frenzy is already in force.

I tend to shop early in the season and am always on the look out for ideas/gifts the months before Christmas. I know that if I put it off until Christmas Eve, I will dump any and everything into my shopping cart in hopes of something filling the bill for needed gifts. Not a great way to enjoy the holiday! I'm a 'list' person. Around the end of October, I make up a list of who gets gifts, who gets cookies, and who gets a Christmas card. It is always available at every shopping venture in case I find a sale or special gift in the store. Around the middle of November, my extra closet becomes off limits and my family knows that the blessings of Christmas and it's subsequent surprises are in the works.

I'm happy to say that my closet is now open to inspection and gifts have been wrapped and distributed as needed. Unfortunately, my 'babies' have grown up too much and there isn't any of the package shaking and guessing of bygone years. The gifts I put under the tree are left alone. Sigh . . .

I did break 'tradition' this year. I dearly enjoy prime rib and our local warehouse store carries beautiful cuts of meat every Christmas. Even though is is about four dollars cheaper than the regular grocery stores, it still would cost around $45 for a great hunk of beef. Every year, I firmly decide that this is the year I splurge. I arrive at the warehouse store, carefully select a prime rib roast, and put it in my grocery cart. This lovely piece of meat gets a ride around the store as I complete my shopping . . . then reality sets in and I think about how many groceries I can purchase with that $45 . . . and the roast goes back to the meat counter. This year I didn't give a ride to any meat! I did find some roasts on sale at the regular grocery stores, however, and will make due. It is definitely not prime quality but I will just have to be more creative with my preparation. The temptation was too strong this year to just buy the stupid prime rib so I knew that going near it would cost me $45 on the spot. No promises about next year, however!

Busy times starting with Christmas Day as the next day, we are having our favorite friends over for dinner. Our respective children have been away at college/seminary and it will be a sort of reunion of old times. The following day is my youngest's 18th birthday. Oh, and two days before Christmas, is my older daughter's birthday! Both of them were born two weeks early and should have been January babies. No sense of planning on their part!

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