Saturday, November 26, 2011

Another Saturday . . .

Some people wake up on Saturday with a sense of relief that they do not have to run into the office for work, today. Others dread the weekend chores that face them each weekend. The older I get, the more I'm just happy to open my eyes on a Saturday morning, feel rested and pretty good, and send out a heartfelt prayer as I jump out of bed and head for the shower!

My schedule seldom varies and I've gotten to view sameness as a blessing! Sameness gets me to morning Mass for a spiritual recharge. Sameness provides me with enough ingredients to feed my family. Sameness means my washer and dryer will take care of the laundry for me. Sameness is folding laundry and being able to stand there and be able to do so. Sameness is going to bed tired at night from working through the blessing of sameness in my day! Naturally, the sameness isn't always the same but the fact that I am alive and well to take care of whatever comes up, helps me to cope with whatever changes in the sameness of my life that might crop up . . . and still thank God.

My latest quilt is sitting on my sewing table, neglected! Fortunately, all the Christmas gifts of that genre were completed over the summer so it is merely a selfish wish to sit down and sew instead of get on with more pressing matters. I completed one Christmas shawl and am working on a second one that goes to my cousin in Germany. Thank goodness the postal system is a bit swifter than in years gone by as I have time to finish it this weekend, mail it out on Monday, and still have hopes of it's timely arrival.

Turkey leftovers today in the form of turkey vegetable soup with homemade breadsticks which were requested by my husband. Since he drew the short straw and had to work on a Saturday, the least I can do is make a meal he requested.

Besides catching up on the bills and bookwork, I have to seriously get my cookie baking list in order. I've gathered ingredients over the last month or so and intend to match what I bake to what I have on hand - no running out to purchase exotic baking ingredients. Okay . . . probably not!

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