Saturday, November 26, 2011

Just figured it out . . .

I think mothers find Advent most hectic because while we try and observe the waiting period for Christmas and avoid starting in the celebrations too soon, we are still responsible for the prepartions required in order to have both the spiritual and secular goals achieved. The small ways I've tried to keep the 'party' from beginning is to encourage the anticipation through the baking, gift wrapping, and extra prayers for all we have been blessed with throughout the year.

One of the traditions that not longer happens (sniff!) is my husband and I taking turns doing Christmas shopping for siblings and the other parent. During December, no one is allowed to purchase anything for themselves which puts the emphasis and joy on thinking of ways to make everyone else happy. When they were very little, we let the children make their own decisions on what they wanted to give everyone which is probably why my younger son gave me a box of paper clips every year! One year, I got gold ones, another silver, and on an especially creative year, I was gifted with multicolored ones. He is 18 now and I miss my annual paper clips.

I took one of the children shopping for dad. He was my frugal one. He found a screwdriver for 49 cents and suggested we go in this purchase together and make it a joint gift.

When my college-graduate daughter was five, she said, "I love Christmas. I don't care what I get for Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday . . . but if I could have a puppy, that would be good!"

One year, when my oldest was about ten, his grandparents sent him $50 just before Christmas. He immediately had me take him out shopping with his money . . . I used the entire amount to get gifts for his siblings.

Most years, I do try and get Christmas shopping done before December. That way, any trips out into the Christmas crowds can be fun as we aren't in a panic for anything in particular. We are just picking up stocking stuffers and such. We can enjoy the hustle and bustle.

Christmas baking opens up the door to Christmas but I limit everyone to a taste of each kind of cookie and the rest of put away for gift giving and our own cookie plate to enjoy on Christmas. Frankly, that taste is good for anticipation as we all want more now!

Every year, we have new and different Christmas memories but the ones that a mother's heart truly cherishes are the candy cane sticky hugs and the beaming faces when you found them some, small item that made their Christmas perfect.

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