Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gluten-Free Success!

 Being relatively new to the gluten-free lifestyle, I'm still experimenting. I found a recipe on-line that looked interesting and contained no weird ingredients I'd have to go hunting for in order to accomplish the end result. As you can see from the picture, I managed to bake a reasonably presentable lemon cake with lemon curd filling. As we enjoyed our dessert, we suddenly realized that we had missed having cake and this one felt and tasted like cake . . . without the gluten.

Although we ventured into trying the gluten-free diet for the sake of interest, really, we have discovered that my husband has been having less digestive issues which leads us to believe he is one of the purported one in 133 that actually have some problems with celiac. In any event, he doesn't want to go back and as long as I am able to produce cakes like this, he sees no reason to venture back to the land of wheat and gluten.
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