Monday, November 12, 2012

Fourth Commandment . . . More than one thought!

Something that really annoys me are the drivers who run red lights, swerve, or cut you off on the freeway . . . and not necessarily because they mean to but because they are busy talking on their cell phones. In our state, it is against the law yet most of the cars you see on the roads have someone driving and happily chatting on the cell phone and often to the detriment of their driving skills. It seemed to me that it was a matter that is covered in the Fourth Commandment but people said it only applies to obeying parents because that is what it says. By now, you know that I seldom stop short of finding out the real deal and pulled up the guidelines from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Since all Christians Faiths are supposed to abide by the Ten Commandments, seems it applies to everyone. And, right there is states what I've always thought that deliberating breaking laws is a sin against the Fourth Commandment. Jesus did say something to the effect that we should give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's. Whether it be obedience to laws or paying our taxes, we are also spiritually liable if we don't obey. My soap box lecture of the day and here is the excerpt!


For All: contempt for the laws of State and country as well as of the Church; disobedience to lawful authority; breaking of civil laws.


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