I spent this week contacting more cat rescue places who mostly have either e-mail contacts or answering machines. They don't reply to either! Because of scheduling with my husband's work, these babies have a reprieve of one week before we have to take them to the Humane Society which is a contradiction as I heard they are not putting the cats down with injection but gassing them. A friend said she was at the shelter for our area and saw, in person, abuse of an animal by a worker there. We were considering paying for a vet to put them down but at anywhere from $50-$75 apiece, we can't afford it. The top picture is of two half-grown male cats we've been calling Bold and Fresh. Bold will race into our house any chance he gets and then immediately wants out as he realizes his 'mistake'. Fresh is shyer but desperately wants patting and immediately goes into a loud purring mode. Both cats have unbelievably soft fur.
The second picture is of a cat we've been calling Miss Stubby. She got the name because she is so shy that when she crosses over an unprotected space, she looks like she has two-inch legs! In fact, she was hanging around for a month before we realized she really had normal legs. In this picture, she looks a little frazzled but, over the last month, her fur suddenly tamed down and she has the most perfect cream fur on her feet and is very soft and smooth.
The lower picture is Mrs. Black Cat who is heavily pregnant. This is not a great condition for a cat headed for the shelter and a sad way to end the kittens lives before they are even born.
It is so frustrating that the responsible people who see to their animals care and make sure they have their shots and are neutered/spayed get the heartache of dealing with other people's abandoned animals.
We've been praying to St. Jude (patron of hopeless cases!) and St. Francis of Assisi (patron of animals) but time is growing short and options are not presenting themselves. We have to get these cats, especially the black ones, off the streets before Halloween.
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