Saturday, September 8, 2012

Abortion doesn't always kill . . .

Abortion doesn't always kill although that is the intent of the people in favor of it. If you have any doubt about how our current president feels about it, look at his Senate record. While he didn't do much his time as a senator, he did get behind a proposed law to change the Born Alive Act. The Born Alive Act meant that is an abortion 'went wrong' (what a contradiction in words!), another doctor was to step in and make sure death of the now delivered baby was assured. There are more than a few cases of babies surviving this attack which now presents problems for those involved. Four times, then senator obama tried to get this changed to making sure each and every abortion resulted in death of the baby. It didn't pass, from what I understand, but what a mind set for one human being to have in regards to another.

I saw a preview of an ad the ProLife faction want to run during the election time. It features a very nice-looking young lady explaining that not all abortions end in death and it is surprising how many do survive. She says she knows this for a fact as she was a 'failed' abortion. If it hadn't been for a nurse who heard her cries, she wouldn't be here, today. to tell her story. Now, tell me, in the mind of a avowed supporter of abortion, a baby is not a baby until it is a wanted baby. Well, here is a living, breathing, productive young woman who was unwanted but is suddenly transformed into a human being.

If you want to know how really adamant anti-life people are, this is a link to read that you won't soon forget.

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