Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Battle of the Chicken goes on . . .

This was an interesting article. I sincerely hope that it was written as a satire and no one actually thinks it should be investigated or acted upon.

The funny thing is that hens are the animal of choice for chicken not roosters. Besides, if you include a lot of roosters in the mix, you cut down on the source of future hens. If we are going to have to govern the action and uses of all animals, I can see that Congress and the Senate may be bogged down for years on this and put our failing economy way, way down on the list of things to be done.

Also, the main battle cry against Chick-Fil-A has been their lack of kindess and love towards all people. Let's see . . . vandalism of a Chick-Fil-A business and an explicit public display of affection at the restaurants regardless of audience is a kindness? Some guy harassing a restaurant clerk is gentle and loving. Hollywood has-beens publically stating they hope Christians get cancer from eating this particular fast food fare? We live in a sad world when freedom of speech is reserved to one side's agenda.

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