Saturday, August 11, 2012

So . . . That's how it happened . . .

I was talking to some friends, after Mass, and we were discussing the recent news about the vice presidential candidate. Another friend walked by and someone called to her and asked if she had heard. She just disdainfully waved her hand and said she doesn't bother with politics. You have to wonder about that sort of mind set where they live and breathe America yet have so little interest in how they might continue to live and breathe the same air of freedom.

Someone else said that she doesn't vote because that is how they get jury names and she doesn't want to be on a jury. Let's see . . . Jury is your duty. Voting is your privilege and duty. Besides, they pick the names from the Department of Motor Vehicles registry now. Hope she finds out some day because I'm not going to tell her.

Given all the odd reactions of people who refuse to vote or vote on the spur of the moment, I have to agree with the opinion that a small voting turnout is actually better because that usually means informed voters are casting their vote.

Still, it is sad that people don't get excited about the democratic process that makes us the country  we are today. This 2012 election is crucial as the outcome may determine how our future lives in this country will be. Probably the loudest complainers the day after the November election will be the ones who didn't bother to show up to vote the day before. We seem to live in a complacent, selfish world and that doesn't keep the peace or encourage progress. Attending church and believing in God is our priority in life, however, exercising our God-given rights to vote for freedom and good laws is extremely important, too.

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