Saturday, August 11, 2012

Real hope for change?

The Republican vice presidential candidate has been announced and I'm impressed. I think Romney made a wise choice. People think that the VP isn't all that important but we discovered differently when JFK was assassinated and we ended up with Johnson. Naturally, we don't look to the demise of any president but it is good to know that the next in line is capable and in line with the policies set forth already.

I still worry about the people not yet 'enlightened' to the ongoing dismantling or our country over the last three-plus years who think the president deserves another term to finish off what has started. Uh, haven't they been paying attention since 2009? I also am dismayed by people who say they are voting their conscience and going with a third party. Since this is a crucial election, wouldn't it be wiser to get the incumbent out and start afresh? When I mention that a third-party candidate doesn't really have a chance, they come back with, "They would if everyone voted for them!" Yes, that is what it would take and that is not what is going to happen."

It will be interesting to see how this latest news is received by the people at morning Mass. I am constantly amazed at the number of daily Mass Catholics who see nothing wrong in supporting an adamant, anti-life, anti-religious freedom president. When I mention these facts to them, they say it is all a myth! None so blind as those who will not see . . .

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