Saturday, August 18, 2012

Is it real or not?

Every year, I get very frustrated at the disregard of Church rulings about unapproved apparitions and the posting of fliers for these conferences. This week, the annual Medjugorje one went up. I realize that it is up to each individual as to how they want to view this but posting it at a parish church gives undeserved credence to it that hasn't happened from the Vatican yet.

I was shown this link and found some interesting information in it.

What caught my attention was the premise that Medjugorje could be distracting us from the verified words received at Fatima. Anyway, the priest I talk to about this says to concentrate on the proven until the unresolved is resolved. Not starting a 'religous war' here but just sharing some interesting information I hadn't heard or thought about until now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely agree! I've never felt good about the Medjugorje apparitions myself & have been rather disturbed at the number of clergy who have traveled there (and I know some). I'll steer clear of any/all non-Church approved things, thank you...why play with fire??