Thursday, February 9, 2012

Research you donations . . .

We try to be generous with our blessings but we always research any charities we consider to make sure that more of the funds go to the purpose of the cause than to administration. For years, we have seen the world almost literally plastered with the Komen pink ribbons yet how many realized, until recently, that the organization was funding Planned Parenthood. If you are in favor of Planned Parenthood's abortion agenda, then that is not a problem for you. As practicing Catholics, we prefer to abide by the Church and not be a  apart of aborting babies by a single cent if we can help it.

Along with the uproar over Komen's back and forth over funding of Planned Parenthood, it also came into clearer light that the organization had also been funding embryonic research! I have read, however, that they are now edging away from that but not because it canabalizes our unborn but because it hasn't shown promise in the fight against breast cancer. The source, aborted babies, didn't come into their decision.

It is a sad world that a group primarily set up for the benefit of women is using the hard-earned cash of women and families to destroy future generations in the guise of help.

I do not feel sorry for the mess the Komen Foundation has made of things with their weak defense and then retreat over the Planned Parenthood funding. An organization with strong convictions stands with convictions no matter what. This wavering and then reversal wasn't impressive. It certainly highlights all that pink wash of ribbons you see everywhere in a more negative light.

I would truly like to support an organization that was totally for women and their needs and that didn't need the help/support of any that feed on our unborn in barbaric ways.

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