Friday, February 3, 2012

The Quilt Progresses . . .

Time and inspiration were with me, today, as I continued work on my recent quilt order. Every 'bump' you see on the front represents pins holding the back together and awaiting handsewing. I was happy to get the basic body of the quilt together today. It is now down to where I can work on it while I watch television this evening. I keep records of the time spent each day on it for preparing my bill for the quilt. I'm blessed as my customer understands that $10 an hour isn't overcharging and a quilt can't be finished in two hours! I had someone consider $20 for a quilt as overcharging!

My favorite (NOT!) episode in my quilt-making dealt with a woman who told me she was ordering the quilt and would, in turn, be donating it to a charity event. Given that information, I went to some extra effort on the quilt and didn't charge all that I could given the intricate pattern she demanded. I presented her with the finished quilt and the detailed bill showing time spent, fabric costs, and hours employed in making it. She grabbed quilt and bill and cheerfull told me that she would see that I get a tax receipt for our income tax returns, and left. She didn't pay me! She decided that her donation was going to be my donation! I was in shock. My husband was livid as I had put aside family time and chores to get this done for her and was counting on the extra income of $175 which was not what it was actually worth. A priest friend joined the ranks of us base human beings and offered to slash her tires for me.

Live and learn . . . The same woman has mentioned needing to order another quilt from me . . . I just head in the opposite direction! Lesson given, lesson learned! Oh, and I never got that tax receipt, either!
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