Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Working Holiday . . . ?

My husband had the day off so he treated me to a 'working holiday' . . . Translation: We checked out a new craft store that opened up in the last month called Hobby Lobby. When I heard they had renovated a former deparment store, I had hopes of it being a large operation. It exceeded my wildest expectations as the place was huge and had used all the space of the former department store. A bit overwhelmed, we just browsed, aisle by aisle, trying to take it all in. I have never seen such a diverse place where not one craft/hobby I could think of was left out.

My husband was amazed as we have spent a lot of time, over the years, trying to run down one item needed to complete a project, going from store to store. In one visit to Hobby Lobby, we saw any and everything we could ever possibly want/need for future projects.

And, for me, the place merited 'complete' when I came across a reasonably stocked fabric and yarn section along with sewing patterns. Not many craft stores include the fabric.

I didn't do a lot of shopping but did get a yard of fabric slated for a future quilt, a dog bone shaped cookie cutter, and some bee's wax for my sewing thread. It seemed quite meager compared to what I left behind!

As far as fabric, it won't replace the fabric warehouse or JoAnn's when I have a big project to plan for but I won't have to shop around for baking pans, and such, or wonder where to go for gift wrapping, party items and all.

So far, there is this one Hobby Lobby in Ranchco Cucamonga, California and they are getting ready to open one in Victorville, California. There are many others in other states so if you are a 'crafty' person, you might Google store locations for yourself.

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