Sunday, December 4, 2011

Something very wrong with this . . .

It seems that insider trading on the stock market is not illegal for our Senate and Congressional representatives and their staffs. Remember Martha Stewart doing time for just the same thing and everyone shaking their head over how could she take advantage like that? Seems that just before that last 'crash', Congress and Senate were informed and ten of them went out and bought and sold like crazy on the stock market. Kerry, who is already a billionaire, made another couple million with inside trader information while so many small stock holders lost life savings. Google it and see for yourself! I'm shocked at how these people take advantage of their elected position with little regard for the people who believed their election lies and voted for them. This appeared on the 60 Minutes show and there is a book called "Throw Them All Out". There is supposed to be something in the works to make this insider trading illegal for everyone but considering who would have to make and vote on the changes, there will probably still be a loophole available to the people who misuse their power in government.

Another interesting note . . . seems our current people in power have decided that children cannot work on farms if the work deals with farm equipment or animals. The 'powers that be' feel it is too dangerous. Seems like our government wants us to raise a bunch of city children who don't know what it is like to do hard work and take care in doing it.

And since when does some person in a Washington office know better than we, parents, how to raise our children? If they spent more time in rectifying all their past mistakes in governing this nation, they should be too busy to tell us we can't have fries and should bring carrot sticks to school parties.

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